2nd Kyu – Brown / White


Brown belt with 1 white stripe


Step forward x 5 Sanbon Zuki

Step forward x 3 Uchi Uke / Gyaku Zuki / Gedan Barai

Step forward x 3 Age uke / Soto Uke / Gedan Barai / Gyaku Zuki

Step forward x 3 Soto uke / Gyaku Zuki / Uchi uke / Gyaku Zuki

Kokutsu Dachi

Step forward x 3 Shuto uke / Kizami Mae Geri / Nukite

Step forward x 3 Shuto uke / Kizami Mawashi Geri / Nukite

Jiyu Dachi

Step forward x 3 Mae Geri / Kizami Zuki / Gyaku Zuki

Step forward x 3 Mawashi Geri / Uraken / Gyaku Zuki

Step forward x 3 Ushiro Mawashi Geri / Uraken / Gyaku Zuki

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Kiba Dachi

3 x Front leg, Yoko Geri Keage (step over) Ushiro Mawashi Geri

3 x Front leg, Yoko Geri Kekomi (step over) Mawashi Geri

Same leg on the spot kicks

Mae Geri to front / Yoko Geri Kekomi (step over) Mawashi Geri


Kihon Kumite (1 step sparring)

2 x Jodan / 2 x Chudan / 2 x Mae Geri / 2 x Yoko Geri Kekomi / 2 x Ushiro Geri (both sides)

Jiyu Ippon Kumite (semi free sparring)

2 x Jodan / 2 x Chudan / 2 x Mae Geri / 2 x Mawashi Geri (both sides)


Bassai Dai

Plus any previous Kata

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